Last week our Instagram page celebrated beauty in the forms of Fashion, Portrait, Nature, and Architecture photography.
On Monday we presented the grace of flowers and beautiful women through the lens of Will Li, Chan, and Averie Woodart.

Flowers in her hair / Photo by Chan @ch44n
Tuesday was all about Fashion photography, with photos by Alexander Krivitskiy, Liliia Beda, and Timothy Paul Smith.

Simple is beautiful / Photo by Liliia Beda @blueberryeyed
Wednesday was dedicated to the exceptional photography of our new featured artist – Lydz. Lydz a.k.a @sitwithlydz is a fashion portrait photographer based in Las Vegas. She graduated this summer with a BS in Interior Architecture, and her architectural background has a huge influence on her photographic style. When she was fifteen, her parents agreed to buy her a DSLR if she achieved good grades. She did, and carried it everywhere they traveled, shooting all the way. Back then Lydz was unaware of the many forms of photography – street, landscape, portrait, fashion–but when she looks back at her very first series of photos, she sees a lot of high fashion and bold perspective portraits through street photography. The high fashion shots originated in her walks around London. That was when she realized that she wanted to keep shooting. Today, Lydz can’t imagine her life without photography.
Learn more about Lydz and see the full selection of her photos here.

Feel the light / Photo by Lydz @sitwithlydz
On Thursday we travelled the world, thanks to the photos of João Sanfins, Holden Baxter, and Bryan Minear.

Up in the air / Photo by João Sanfins
Friday revealed a selection of fantastic Architecture photography in warm colors, shot by Guzmán Barquín, Laurent Naville, and Jeremy Galliani.

Busy stranger / Photo by Laurent Naville @laurentnaville
Finally, Saturday was the day we looked at tall buildings lost in the sky. That was possible thanks to the images of Osman Rana, Tetiana Shevereva, and Patrick Tomasso.

Outlines / Photo by Osman Rana @ranagraphs
Follow our journey through great photography on Instagram – @thisiseyeso.